Welcome to Light Fury — NFT collection on OpenSea

The Light Fury Project
2 min readJan 25, 2022

The Light fury is a collection of 2,000 NFTs for Users, 112 NFTs for our community NFTs on the BNB blockchain. Each NFT is a holder’s ticket to enter a regular giveaway lottery and also a way to get in the whitelist of our blockchain , Furry road. Moreover, holders can define the future of the cartoon and other projects.

Lightfury : https://lightfurynft.com

About the Light Fury

The Light Fury moves as fast as Toothless and shares his ability to blend into the sky — even during daylight hours. With her white coloration, the Light Fury hides seamlessly in clouds, sea fog, and distant horizons. Although Toothless’ s scales are much tougher and most likely stronger than the Light Fury’s, the Night Furies need something much hotter than just their own fire or fire in general. Everyone knows what it is. He’s a fighter, she’s a lover.


The Light Fury is created by a powerful team of so many Enterpreneurs, Blockchain experts, Marketing gurus, and Artists. We are committed to delivering a cutting-edge experience and making this project a success. We believe that the key to success of every project is in a good teamwork between everyone involved in it. That is why we are going to make a community of holders that will have a possibility to define the future of the project they are in. It also means that we are going to share project’s profit every week with every lucky holder.

Light Fury

The Light Fury is a powerful NFT Minting Service. Our Light furies consist of 8 traits like background, body, eyes, face, necklace, pattern, tail and wings with various rarities.

Strong marketing

Great projects include strong marketing campaign and we are working with some of the best companies that provide it. Collaborations with top crypto influencers and live giveaways streamed by them, Tiktok, YouTube, Twitter campaigns, daily articles written about us and etc. All of this is happening right now as we want to succeed with you.



The Light Fury Project

The Light Fury is a powerful NFT Minting Service. Our Light furies consist of 8 traits like background, body, eyes, face, necklace, pattern, tail and wings